Are You Ready to
I Want to PERSONALLY Work With You To Help YOU reach the Financial Goals You Want for YOUR Life. 
Here's exactly what you will get for $97/month. 
  • Group Coaching: Each week there will be a 60 minute group call. 
  • Archive Access: Each coaching call will be recorded and saved in an archive you can access and stream 24/7. 
  • ​Accountability: Goals will be set. And you'll have the opportunity to work on what you need to focus on for the next week to report back with all the wins and losses you've had for the week. 
  • Priority Attention: During the week as you have problems/questions arise in your business, message me and you'll receive preferential treatment in my personal responses to you. I will answer during the next group coaching session. 100% of your questions will be addressed to move your business forward.
  • Automation and Scale: Learn how to scale effectively and automate your business to achieve passive income. 
  • ​Mindset ROI: You will have front row access to the thought process I used to achieve the lifestyle I desire. It's not so much in what i do, but in how I think. 
All of that valued at $100,000,000,000,000 but TODAY only you can get it ALL for the low low price of $97/month.
I would like to think that I'm a pretty cool guy. But my cool factor doesn't mean anything to your business's bottom line. What I do have is a head full of practical knowledge that you can use to build your business.

What I don't have is a full head of hair. All the cool gurus have really good hair. So $97 seems like a fair price.

I don't want to sell you. I don't even want to consider you my client or customer. Rather, I want to create a win/win scenario and view you as a partner.

My value proposition is simple. I will provide you all of this content for an extremely low cost. And if you ever feel you need something to better your business, let me know. I'll be in a position to help with mentorship or tools. It's best if we have a mutual interest in your success.

 Let's wrap this up with a few other folks that had some nice things to say. I question if that's bullshit. Yeah okay, it's a little bullshitty, but it's real. These are genuine people that have truly been assisted by me for minimal costs.
"I have been (this close) to grasping an almost perfect strategy and it is finally here. God you are always right. Thanks!"
E-commerce Seller and Mentor
"Shawn, Imma have to buy you a truckload of beer at the amount of value you provided me and countless others. I cannot thank you enough for educating me!
This is your defining moment.
or not. Either way, it was cool you checked this all out.
Here's my guarantee. I simply won't bullshit you. 

I've been in sales and marketing for so long that most of all of it is complete bullshit. And I have no problem calling it out, even if it's my own bullshit.  
So tell you what? You don't bullshit me, and I won't bullshit you.  
If for whatever reason, you feel this course is complete bullshit, feel free to try to forget my very real intellectual property that can never truly be returned.  
So yeah, I'll give you your money back within 7 days, but reserve the right to call you out on your bullshit.  
Fair enough?
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